

Inge Hofstee (1968) has worked as a lawyer since 1994, and in 2016 was made a partner at DingemansVanderKind. Inge has also been a registered MfN mediator since 2010.

In addition to regular employment law, the focus of Inge's practice is on collective employment law and in particular employee participation law. Inge advises statutory directors and works councils in complex advice processes such as reorganisations and mergers and acquisitions. Her goal is to engage in dialogue between the parties to avoid litigation, wherever possible. This ties in with her role as mediator.

She teaches employment law and employee participation law at a number of institutes including the VU Law Academy, PALA+ and Vakmedianet. She also works as an author for Tekst & Commentaar Wet op de Ondernemingsraden, published each year by Vakmedianet.

In the practice areas register of the Netherlands Bar, Inge is registered in the following main and (sub) practice areas: Employment law - sub: employee participation, collective dismissal and employment mediation.


Inge became an MfN-registered mediator in 2010. In that capacity she above all deals with employment and employee participation issues and commercial disputes. She is regularly appointed by the Enterprise Chamber as mediator in proceedings between statutory directors and works councils.

Inge is a member of the following specialist associations:

  • European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA)
  • Dutch Employment Lawyers Association (VAAN)
  • Amsterdam Employment Lawyers Association (VAAA)
  • European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA)
  • Dutch Employment Lawyers Association (VAAN)


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