
van der Kind

Olav van der Kind (1967) studied Dutch law at the University of Amsterdam. Before founding DingemansVanderKind with Charlotte Dingemans in 2001, he worked as a lawyer at a number of large law firms.

He is involved in all aspects of employment law, including dismissal law (also for public servants), collective labour agreement law and employee participation law. 'Fraud at work' is a particular area of interest for Olav, partly as a consequence of a number of cases in which he was involved as a lawyer. He is currently preparing a number of publications about 'the volunteer', another area of employment law he is keen to study further.

Olav is a lecturer in Employment Law at several legal training institutes, editor of the monthly magazine ArbeidsRecht, annotator at AR-Updates and deputy judge in the District Court of Zeeland-West Brabant. He is also a trainer at Schateiland (www.schateiland.com), where he provides training and courses for works councils and directors. He publishes regularly in professional journals and has successfully completed the postgraduate course Grotius Employment Law.

Olav is a member of the following specialist associations:

  • European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA)
  • Employment Law Association (VVA).
  • Dutch Employment Lawyers Association (VAAN)
  • Amsterdam Employment Lawyers Association (VAAA)
  • Dutch Corporate Litigation Association

In the practice areas register of the Netherlands Bar, Olav is registered in the following main and (sub) practice areas: Employment law - sub: employee participation, collective dismissal and international employment law.
