
Tackling transgressive behavior in sports: balancing between effective approach and protection of those involved Annotation to rb. Amsterdam

Tackling transgressive behavior in sports: balancing between effective approach and protection of those involved Annotation to rb. Amsterdam (vzr.) May 13, 2022, ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2022:2603. Journal of Football and Sports Law 2022, issue 3

1. Introduction

Things are rumbling within the Royal Dutch Rowing Association (KNRB). After the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo, a survey was conducted among athletes, which revealed dissatisfaction with the attitude and behavior of KNRB's technical director. Following observations of transgressive behavior within top-level sport, KNRB commissioned an external investigation (signal analysis) among eight athletes shortly thereafter. This study concluded that within the top-level sports program of KNRB there is evidence of, among other things, social insecurity and transgressive behavior. KNRB then suspended the technical director with immediate effect. Only a few days later, KNRB explained the suspension in writing:

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