

Robbert-Jan (1991) graduated from the University of Amsterdam with a master's degree in Private law (commercial law/legal practice) and concluded his master's degree in Employment law at VU Amsterdam. In 2021, Robbert-Jan graduated cum laude from the postgraduate specialisation course Employment Law at the Grotius Academy.

Starting in 2016, Robbert-Jan was employed as a lawyer in the employment law practice group of a large law firm. He made the switch to DingemansVanderKind in 2019.

Robbert-Jan is involved in all aspects of employment law, including dismissal law, reorganisations, (non-)competition and the dismissal of statutory directors.

In the practice areas register of the Netherlands Bar, Robbert-Jan is registered in the following main and (sub) practice areas: Employment law - sub: employee participation, collective dismissal and international employment law.

Robbert-Jan is a member of the following specialist associations:

  • Association for Young Employment Lawyers (VJAA).
  • Dutch Employment Lawyers Association (VAAN)
