
Seminar at EYE

On December 6, 2022, we had a celebratory seminar where we reflected on our 20th anniversary. There were two special speakers.

First, Paul de Beer, UvA professor of industrial relations. Paul is known for his research on the Value of Work. He talked about what really motivates employees (and what doesn't). His talk provided wise lessons and insights for everyday practice. The same was true for the second guest speaker: Rachel Rietveld. She is co-director of ArbeidsmarktResearch UvA BV, lecturer and PhD candidate at UvA/TU Delft. Rachel is a specialist in the field of Legaltech. She talked about the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence for labor law. Can AI be helpful in personnel selection? Or in dismissal cases? All pros and cons for the HR practice were discussed.

Finally, the lawyers at DingemansVanderKind addressed the funniest three questions submitted in advance by our seminar participants. See the PowerPoint presentation below.

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